
International Society of
Chief Data Officers

Learn more about the
benefits of membership
& join us to support
data leadership

We are the premiere, vendor-neutral professional
organization established for and by CDOs to promote data
leadership. isCDO is the professional society of individuals
who serve the role of the Chief Data Officers for their
organizations. isCDO serves as a peer-advisory resource
for all members, as a society of CDOs, by CDOs, for CDOs.

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A Word from our Executive Director
Michael Servaes

Welcome to the International Society of Chief Data Officers (CDOs). This society was created by a group of CDOs who had regularly attended the MIT CDO/Information Quality Symposium and who recognized the need for an online space to bring together data leaders all year round and not just for the Symposium. We provide virtual and real meeting spaces for data leaders to come together and to share ideas, developments and problems with the aim of ensuring that data leaders/CDOs across the world are better equipped to fulfill their role in leading the organization they are a part of to gain greater value from the data they create, collect and store.

As members we have found that the more you put in... be that contributing to webinars, sharing papers or getting involved in discussions.... the more you will get out of your membership. Your idea or view on a problem may be another member’s solution and vice versa. Remember that sharing the problems you have found may help others avoid them, just as much as their sharing may help you.

To join just click on the “JOIN” button. Once your membership is approved, dive in and meet your fellow data leaders. Find out what they are thinking, how they are succeeding and how their experience can help you.

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The Benefits of Membership



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25% registration discount for
2020 MIT CDOIQ Symposium

A catalyst connecting CDO/CIO city-based communities
throughout the globe where data and analytics leaders
can experience a more profound sense of community by
creating a platform where the best ideas, innovations,
companies, and leaders are celebrated.

Thank You to Our Sponsors/Partners
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