Mr. Michael Servaes, Executive Director, isCDO
Mr. Robert Lutton, Secretary, isCDO
Dr. James C S Meng, Chair, Honors & Awards Committee, isCDO

Transformation of Collaboration from Inwards to Outwards

Citation to
Mr. Sri Mishra
Chief Data & Technology Officer
JDRF International
Changing from point-to-point to API driven architecture for data and process integration, to a modular enterprise architecture linking JDRF financial system with fundraising systems online all through middleware, you have accomplished a centralized master data management; a single, consistent definitions for data; structured workflow. Automation enabled have resulted in employee trust in data and collaboration.
JDRF data analytics improved one-to-one support to families including insulin delivery and cost reductions during the COVID-19 pandemic. True to JDRF’s mission of improving lives, your data transformation has successfully applied data and analytics to help people live healthier lives.

Transformation from Traditional Data to Big Data

Citation to
Mr. Derek J. Strauss
Chief Data Officer
TD Armeritrade
Mr. Strauss established TD Ameritrade’s big data ecosystem, the “Data Marshalling Yard” to provide a foundation for greater volume, velocity and variety of data: common staging area, data quality checks, masking of sensitive data, and inexpensive archival. Resulting improved efficiency and ease of operations enabled real-time data-driven decisions and prompted leadership to accept big data for insights.
Your transforming from transactional data to big data differentiated TD Ameritrade in improved Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer fraud investigation, stress testing and scenario analyses; as well as enabled real-time model-driven retail risk assessments and market surveillance.

Transformation of Value Impact from Data Service to Business Strategy

Citation to
Mr. Michael J. Conlin
Chief Data Analytics Officer
Department of Defense
Mr. Conlin established the new Advana—the Defense Repository of Common Enterprise Data—to transform data into common schemas across business domains. He sought to integrate data not systems with all process steps accompanied by a comprehensive audit trail. Advana now provides users with a seamless experience of full data journey to getting insights. High accuracy, completeness and faster processing time reduced DoD data processing errors and rework. Robotic Process Automation automated manual, time-intensive tasks. It enabled data-quality assessment in data pipeline and audit by 3rd party.
DoD Workforce now uses Advana to identify realignment/reprioritization opportunities and to identify cost savings opportunities.
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