
Our Mission

International Society of Chief Data Officers (isCDO) is the premiere, vendor-neutral, professional society of individuals who serve
the role of the Chief Data Officers for their organizations. The Society serves as a peer-advisory resource for all members, as a society
of CDOs, by CDOs, for CDOs.

Data Leadership for the 21st Century

isCDO members are the senior-most leaders of data and analytics in their respective organizations. While some carry the title of Chief Data Officer (CDO), others are “de facto CDOs”, sporting an array of titles including: Analytics, Innovation, Customer Insights, Digital or other related roles. Our members span all global geographies and industries, including public and private sectors.

Members represent themselves, not their organizations. Through their participation, our members strive to enable their enterprises to derive the maximum value from its information and data assets, to realize the value of data driven decision making, and to gain competitive advantage through high-quality information.

With founding roots in MIT’s Sloan School of Management, isCDO provides (through its steering and advisory functions) a means of improving support and empowerment to CDOs and others charged with organizational data leadership.

While our Mission is Currently Evolving— it Includes the Following:

Promote Data Literacy

Develop materials (e.g., slide deck, talking points) for public-sector executive leadership that describe why data management and leadership beyond the CIO is objectively necessary for the efficient functioning of government.

Leadership Development

Define a new category of data leadership (beyond the CIO) for the public sector. Develop OPM-style position descriptions for these new data leadership positions (CDO, Chief Data Scientist, etc), based on the tenure of successful public-sector data leaders.

Advance the Profession

Formally define the roles and responsibilities for (non-CIO) data leadership in government and what skills and experience might ideally prepare someone to successfully execute those roles and responsibilities.

Reduce Redundant Work

Leverage work already being done in the public sector, so we don’t reinvent the wheel. Learn from each other.

Cooperation & Coordination

Coordinate data management efforts in the public sector such as federal-wide standards or best practices.

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